In English

Improving habitats and providing nesting places to birds in cities.

Nesting places in buildings eg. for house sparrow, swifts and swallows can be provided by

  • integrated nesting modules
  • external nesting boxes
  • wines in adjacent to some strucutral cavity
  • suitable cavities in design
  • vents removed from their original use (by customizing if needed)

Nesting boxes can be used in gardens, parks and forests too, and eg. by providing suitable vegetation (trees, bushes).

Depending on species, habitats need to provide food (vegetation, insects) and other resources (sand, water, clay). They need to provide suitable shelter too, and be safe enough (human practices, glass structures).




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Luotu 2019-02-03 16:23 | Muokattu 2019-02-22 20:10